
Put some women on your team

Put some women on your team

March 8th is International Women’s Day. That got me thinking about a podcast I listened to the other day on NPR’s On Point radio program with Tom Ashbrook. The podcast specifically talked about how to build a smarter team and one of its suggestions was to add women to your team. As many of us(…)

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Target your message

Target your message

Have something to say? It’s important to not only know what you’re saying, but also to target your message to the proper audience. Imagine you were seriously injured and in need of urgent care. Would you pick up a piece of paper and write a letter to your grandmother for help? While Grandma might be(…)

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New blog for the New Year

New blog for the New Year

2014 was a big year for me, with lots of changes. It all started with an intention to make some professional changes. What followed were months of communication and networking and good old-fashioned hard work. In October, I resigned my editorial position as the Global Mountain Bike Editor at It had been eight whirlwind(…)

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